Sunday, May 8, 2011

Day 10 - Sunday, May 8, 2011 - The Final Day

Day Ten Summary
It was an early start to our final day – up at 4:30 a.m. to get to LAX for a 7:40 a.m. flight back to Charlotte, NC.  The Lord blessed with zero wait for the shuttle bus and a quick and easy run through security.  TSA was puzzled by some souvenirs for Alex and had to do a quick look through my carry-on.  They got a good laugh when they discovered those mysterious objects were Lightning McQueen and Doc Hudson.
The flight was uneventful – just the way we like it.  Upon our arrival at the Charlotte airport we were greeted by Mom, Gale, Emma, Alex, Amy, Brian, Abby, and Tori.  They had welcome home signs complete with Route 66 shields and Cars movie characters.  We were so surprised.  It was very special – thanks for all the hard work kids.  We headed to Chili’s for a Mother’s Day celebration and had a wonderful time.  Everyone was pleased with the various souvenirs we had selected for them.  Gale was the most surprised by the slice of rhubarb pie from Marie Calendar’s – her favorite.  It is good to be home.
What an incredible odyssey this has been.  Ten amazing days of adventure – laughing, bonding, reminiscing, and just having a terrific time.  Thanks to everyone along the way that made this trip so memorable – Gary, Bob and Ramona, Mauricio, Kumar, Dan and Jessica, and everyone else with whom we came in contact.  Thanks to our families and all who have followed our blog; it was fun to post each day and we hope you enjoyed sharing our journey.
Route 66 is like nothing else on earth.  It is the history and essence of America – the struggles and triumphs, the hard work and fun, the ingenuity and resourcefulness, the hospitality and uniqueness.  It embodies what makes this the greatest country on earth.  It is truly unbelievable the power one road can have; it ties diverse communities and individuals together.  Spanning eight states and millions of hearts, Route 66 is not a place, it is a passion.  A passion we will carry with us always.
To the Mother Road on Mother’s Day – Thank you.
Ernie 3’s Parting Shot
Have you ever had an idea so incredible that you thought it impossible?  That’s what happened to me three years ago.  Traveling Interstate 40 through Arizona, Gale and I happened to stop at an exit that intersected with Historic Route 66.  In the gas station where we stopped, I waited patiently on my wife to emerge from the women’s restroom.  While waiting, I browsed through some Route 66 souvenirs and thought about my father and grandfather – how they both had talked about the “Mother Road” and the excitement in their faces.  In an instant, I had that incredible, impossible idea.
Back on I-40 I continued to silently ponder my thoughts – it was too grand, too big to make happen.  The silence was broken when Gale asked me, “Why did you buy that Route 66 keychain?”  It was then that I began to share with her my idea; as the words rolled out, it seemed ludicrous.  Just as soon as I relayed the notion of a Route 66 trip for Dad’s 66th birthday, I followed with, “It’s a great idea, but really not feasible.”  It was then that Gale won my heart again, as she has so many times throughout our marriage.  She simply said, “Why not?  You’ve got three years to get it figured out.  I think it is a wonderful idea.”  And, with Gale’s encouragement, I began to believe it could happen.  Gale, thank you for believing in me and this Route 66 trip.  I owe you big time.  Happy Mother’s Day!
Emma and Alex, I know you don’t fully understand this trip Daddy and Pop have taken, but you will one day.  I do know that you understood that it was special and I thank you for allowing Daddy to be away so long.  I trust you didn’t give Mommy too much trouble while I was away.  We need to start planning now for our Route 66 adventure.  I’m looking forward to some serious “Daddy Time” this coming week.  That will not only be fun for me, but a present to Mommy as well.
Mother, thanks for letting Dad out for a few days.  You were not just willing, you were encouraging and supportive.  Your daily comments on our blog have been a highlight for both of us.  Happy Mother’s Day; you are the greatest!
Dad, this has been an unimaginable experience.  Over the last three years, I’ve imagined it many times, but none of those thoughts even came close.  This journey has certainly been about you and me, but it has been so much more.  It has renewed in me the value of faith, family, country, and community.  We have not only traveled the 2,448 miles of Route 66 (and then some), we have traveled history, heritage, and legacy – and we’ve made our own.  Our bond is stronger and we have reconnected and for that I am extremely thankful.  Best of all, we have new, annoying inside jokes that no one else will understand – “BURGER!!!”
I praise the Lord for my father, our relationship, and this trip – what it means today and the treasured spot it will hold in my heart always.
Ernie 2’s Parting Shot
As we fly back from “The End of the Trail” to Charlotte on Day 10 to meet our family for Mother’s Day, I can’t help but feel so blessed.  This has been an incredible adventure, making memories with my son, Ernie.  As we wrap up this Route 66 trip, I must express my thanks.
First, to my son who had the thoughtfulness and foresight to plan such an unexpected surprise birthday gift on my “Birthday 66.”  Thank you for giving me 10 days of your time, which I know is so important to you when you are spread so thin with family, church, and work.  You are a wonderful son and a blessing to all you meet.  Thank you for making a dream come true.  I wish I had thought to do this with my dad, Ernie 1.
I would like to thank my wife, Sandy for allowing me to be gone for 10 days – I missed you.  Since it is Mother’s Day, I can’t help but reflect on what a wonderful mother you have been to our two exceptional children.  And, since tomorrow is our anniversary, I want to thank you for 45 great years.  Thanks for always supporting and encouraging me “Through the Years.”  I love “us” and I love you more than you know.
I would like to thank the rest of my family – Brian, Amy, Gale, Abby, Tori, Emma, and Alex for being there for Nana and for checking on us and praying for us each day.  You kept us going.  Thank you.
Last, I want to thank God, for without Him I could do nothing.  I have been blessed more than I deserve all my life and I think him for all my blessings – especially my family.
This trip has brought my son and me closer, and I recommend that every father take a Route 66 trip with their son.  If you don’t have a son, take your daughter.  If you don’t have a daughter, go on the trip with your wife.  You won’t regret it.


  1. “Ernie Son”, welcome home and many thanks to you and thanks to Gale for her encouragement and support in making this marvelous gift to Dad a dream come true! Thanks also for this gift to all our family and to everyone who has followed and enjoyed your blog and pictures. I see you as a mature young man serving God with a sensitive, tender, loving heart; and yet I also see the little boy full of fun and witty humor which thrills my heart! That’s my son!! Thanks for returning from the Mother Road on Mother’s Day (as your “brother” Brian put it before you arrived), but it’s Mother’s Day every day for me ~ thanks to you and all my children!!!

    “Ernie Hun”, welcome home My Love! Today, on our 45th wedding anniversary, I praise God, with tears flowing, for blessing me with you and for blessing us with the gifts of our precious children Amy and Ernie, the gifts of our other two children Brian and Gale, and the extra special bonus gifts of our terrific grandchildren Abby, Tori, Emma and Alex.! Also, thanks to Kenny Rogers for singing our song “Through the Years”! I am truly enjoying the journey with you and I love “us” and I love you more than you know! Actually, I’m sure we both know!! Happy 45th Anniversary My Love!!!

    Guys, I am delighted to have you back home; however, Gale and I were a bit concerned that we might have trouble separating the father-son bond. Gale’s remark at the airport parking garage was so cute when she asked Ernie if he thought he could leave his dad to ride to the restaurant with her! Thanks for the souvenirs; we all were touched that you remembered each of us with such special, personal gifts!!

    I just prayed a thank-you prayer for Gary, Bob, Ramona, Mauricio, Kumar, Dan, Jessica and all those who brightened my guys’ Route 66 Trip; and I added a special request for His protection over Dan, Jessica and their precious baby-to-be! I closed my prayer with a grateful thank you for all God’s blessings for our family and for all His children all over His world!! What a BIG, MIGHTY, AWESOME GOD we serve!!!

  2. Thanks for the pie- that was pretty special that you would think to do something like that for me :) I'm glad you had a wonderful adventure and memories to cherish forever with your dad. I am however, glad to have you home. We missed you guys and glad you are home safely. I'm sure you will have another adventure planned soon.

  3. Hey,

    Great guide you put together - I have a couple of questions for you if you could answer as I'm coming from Ireland at the end of July to do this great trip.

    Q1: Did you get turn-by-turn directions for your GPS, if so do you have a GPX or OL2 file that can be uploaded to a Tomtom or Garmin?

    Q2: What kind of prices did you pay in the Diners you stopped off at? Does it vary much?
    If you could give me some sample prices that'd be great (I know I'm anal about this!)

    Q3: Did you book your accommodation in advance or along the way? Did you just pick each daily destination as you went along? I know you where lucky getting the wigwam hotel - I suspect I might need to book this one in advance.

    Thanks a million and appreciate any info.

