Friday, May 6, 2011

Day 7 - May 5, 2011

Day Seven Stats
Miles Traveled: 309 miles    States Traveled: Arizona, California
Origin: Kingman, AZ    Destination: San Bernardino, CA
Time of Departure: 9:10 AM (MST)    Time of Arrival: 8:30 PM (PDT)
Highest Observed Gas Price: $5.09/gallon in Fenner, CA    Lowest Observed Gas Price: $3.72/gallon in Kingman, AZ
Day Seven Summary
Day seven began in Kingman, AZ and we spent most of the morning there.  Breakfast was at the Roadrunner Café and was exceptional.  This was a classic “hole in the wall” that is clearly a local institution – would love to be able to eat breakfast here every Sunday morning.  We then toured the Powerhouse Route 66 Museum, which was replete with wagon train, Grapes of Wrath, Burma Shave, and Route 66 memories.  This was a great museum and we would recommend it highly to anyone visiting the Kingman area.
On leaving Kingman we began our trek across the Sacramento Wash on the Oatman Highway.  This led us to Cool Springs, a rock trading post with spectacular views of the surrounding mountains and valleys.  Sitgreaves Pass was a challenge with speeds topping out at 20 mph as we traversed extremely twisty roadway along the cliff edge.  Part way through this drive we located Shaffer’s Fish Bowl Springs – a natural spring that is only accessible by climbing 30-plus stone stairs up the side of a steep hillside.  The reward at the top is a freshwater spring with live gold fish – in the middle of the desert – incredible!  Oatman was another unique experience, an old west town with wild burros crowding the streets.
We cruised into California about midday.  Lunch was at the Wagon Wheel Restaurant in Needles, CA.  The folks at the Needles Chamber of Commerce were extremely helpful – thanks!  The trip through the Mojave Desert was great – long straight stretches made for fantastic horizons as the road just seemed to go on forever out in front of us.  Most iconic along this stretch was Roy’s Motel and Café in Amboy, CA.  Dinner was at the Iron Hog Saloon in Oro Grande (Big Gold) and we were thrilled when we phoned ahead to the Wigwam Motel in San Bernardino – they had a cancellation, so we got a room!  This place is fabulous – very similar to the Wigwam Motel in Holbrook, AZ.  We will take some photo in tomorrow’s daylight.
We traveled just over 300 miles today, which was really good considering that much of it was at speeds no greater than 20 mph.  We also made the final two locales in the song “Get Your Kicks on Route 66” – Barstow and San Bernardino.  It is very exciting to be this close to the end, but yet hard to believe this journey is winding down – it has been an amazing experience.  Here’s our day seven summary:
·         Kingman, AZ – Hill Top Motel; Kingman Water Tower; Hotel Brunswick; Roadrunner Café; Powerhouse Route 66 Museum; Locomotive Park.
·         Sacramento Wash, AZ – Fantastic drive!; Cool Springs; Shaffer’s Fish Bowl Springs.
·         Sitgreaves Pass, AZ – Curves, curves, and more curves – awesome!
·         Goldroad, AZ – There’s gold in them there hills.
·         Oatman, AZ – Old West town and burros, burros, burros.
·         Topock, AZ – Colorado River!
·         Needles, CA – Hot, hot, hot – high of 100 degrees today!  Welcome Wagon; Burger Hut; Wagon Wheel Restaurant; Mohave Desert.
·         Amboy, CA – Roy’s Motel and Café.
·         Ludlow, CA – Ludlow Café/Coffee Shop.
·         Newberry Springs, CA – Whiting Bros. Gas Station; Bagdad Café.
·         Barstow, CA – Route 66 Motel; McDonald’s Barstow Station; Bun Boy; Palm Café.
·         Oro Grande, CA – Roy Rogers Double R Ranch; Iron Hog Saloon; “Modified Baltimore Truss” Bridge; Mojave River.
·         Cajon Pass, CA – Summit Inn.
·         San Bernardino, CA – Sleeping in a teepee at the Wigwam Motel.
What I learned from my father today: Keep Looking
As we traveled the incredibly curvy Route 66 on our way to Sitgreaves Pass, we were looking for Shaffer’s Fish Bowl Springs.  Based on our guidebook and talking with the owner of Cool Springs, we had a general idea of where it was located, but it was still a challenge to find it.  I had pretty much given up but Dad kept looking.  He decided we should turn around and take one more look at a hill just back down the mountain.  We turned around and sure enough, Dad was right.  What an amazing experience to find the Fish Bowl and see the natural springs with actual gold fish!  Keep looking, it’s worth it.
What I learned from my son today: Don’t Feed the Donkeys
While navigating the Oatman Highway in Oatman, AZ, trying to dodge a pack of burros that were blocking the street, one approached my car window.  Ernie said, “Be careful, those donkeys bite.”  I didn’t think it would be any big deal, so I let the window down.  When the burro immediately stuck his head inside the car, just inches from my face, I was scared to death and realized that Ernie had a good point and I probably should have left the window up.  Be careful, friendly four-hoofed animals can get in your face.


  1. "Ernie Son", I simply can't thank you enough for talking me through how to enjoy this blog and especially how to comment on it. I love your facts, your pics, your humor and your sentiment! You've got a real way with words Son!!
    "Ernie Hun",I couldn't help but wonder why I could only see the donkey's head inside your car window. Had you jumped over into Ernie's lap?!? Your comment reminded me of how often our children have taught us and continue to teach us! We are two blessed parents and grandparents!!
    Guys, those stone steps and Shaffer's Fish Bowl Springs with the goldfish in the desert was awesome and I'm so happy you got to stay in a tepee. I can hardly wait to see a picture of you two and your tepee!
    I continue to praise God for my answered prayers for both of you ~ especially your travels through all the barren desert lands and my missing you!
    Love, love and more love, Mother?Sandra

  2. Ernie & Daddy ~
    The girls and I went through all the photos again tonight from Day 1 through Day 7 ~ what an awesome adventure you both have shared! We smiled, laughed and even shed a tear (well at least I did!). Abby is ready for a trip so she can do her own blog ~ what a high standard she has to live up to! Abby & Tori both loved all the "Cars" landmarks. We all look forward to seeing you in less than 2 days!
    Love you both ~ Brian, Amy, Abby & Tori
